Last year World Anvil won the Gold ENnie for Best Aid / Accessory in Digital.
![World Anvil](
The site is a place to grow worlds and is used by authors, comic book creators as well as GMs and players. A big attraction of the site is that players can collaboratively document the expanding world around them as characters explore the game world.
Recently, World Anvil has been adding official game support. After all, if you’re using the site to document an American city in the 1920s with a violent mob in the foreground and dangerous cults hiding in the sewers then perhaps a Call of Cthulhu character sheet is needed for the NPCs. Alternatively, if you have tribes of fierce warriors and their champions to write up, then you could be playing Conan.
Since April 23rd, World Anvil has added character sheets for;
Curious? You create an account at World Anvil for free and explore the pricing tiers when you’re ready.